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Residence Life 房间


Double w/ 19 meal plan $4,111.52 (double room)
Single w/ 19 meal plan $4,677.82 (single room)

房间 Floorplan

房间 地板上plan image

What to Bring

住房办公室认识到学生可能希望个性化他们的房间. We encourage and support room personalization efforts.

建议你和你的室友谈谈,讨论一下你们俩的问题 would like to accomplish before you begin. Please keep in mind that you must leave 房间的状况和你刚搬进来的时候一样 semester.

学生宿舍将在入住前检查,在学期休息时,宣布安全 checks and at move-out.

希望你能阅读宿舍手册,了解有关生活的细节 on campus.

Walls, Doors, and Ceilings

虽然你被鼓励装饰你的房间,但不要在墙上写字或画画 你的房间或房间门的内部或外部. A charge will be assessed for any cleanup required. 不要使用夜光贴纸、粉笔、胶水或胶带 on walls, ceilings, or doors. 的y are extremely difficult to remove and there can be expensive charges to remove them. Do not write on the walls with ANY materials. 任何必要的清理和/或损坏都将导致收费. Since brick is porous, 粉笔很难清除,而且需要大量的清理费用. Tampering with and/or covering smoke detector is prohibited. Placing any obstruction along the base of the door is also prohibited. When discovered disciplinary action and/or fines are possible. 我们鼓励学生使用海报等非永久性设备 putty and command strips to display personal items.

Furnishings, Bunks, Lofts, and Other Alterations

学生负责提供在他们的房间的学院家具. 所有 房间配有特长床、梳妆台、衣柜、桌椅. 的 如果需要的话,房间里的床可以配置成铺位. 的se beds may 请与宿舍工作人员联系以获取适当的设备. 房间内提供的所有家具必须留在指定的房间内 次.

由于重量限制和可能损坏的穿刺,充满水的家具 (i.e. water beds) are not permitted. Portable air conditioners and evaporative coolers 由于电气限制,不允许进入任何大厅. Check with the Director 入住前,请向住宿和学生生活主任或宿舍主任咨询,以确保您有一个项目 would like to add to the room is acceptable. 的 Director of 住房 and Student Life 或厅长对可接受的项目有最终授权.

住客必须自备床上用品、毛巾和个人用品. Furnishings 在公共区域使用的设计不能搬进学生的房间. Failure 不遵守家具政策可能会导致更换/修理损坏的费用.

Internet Access

每个宿舍都提供无线上网服务. In order to use the 互联网连接,居民必须有一个合法的操作系统(OS)副本。 and meet basic security requirements. 的se requirements include up-to-date OS patches, anti virus definitions, and anti spyware definitions. 所有 Administrative level and 个人电脑系统上的用户帐户应设置密码保护. You must 遵守学生手册中的住宿生活和学院网络/互联网政策.

你要对你的电脑系统负责,不管它是在哪里使用的 谁. 如果您的无线连接出现问题,请致电或留言 with the Technology Services Help Desk at 719.846.5663 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Internet Policy

你要对你的电脑系统负责,不管它是在哪里使用的 谁. 如果您的无线连接出现问题,请致电或留言 with the Technology Services Help Desk at 719.846.5663 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Each residence hall has laundry facilities. If laundry equipment is broken or not 功能正常,请致电719与房屋事务处联络.846.5458. or 719.846.5497

Renter’s Insurance

强烈建议所有住在宿舍的学生购买保险 to cover personal items (TV's, books, computers, etc.) that may be damaged by natural disasters or stolen. 学院将不承担盗窃、毁坏、 遗失属于或保管的金钱、贵重物品或其他个人财产 学生宿舍、学生宿舍、储物区、公共区域或宿舍其他地方 或校园,包括与货物存储相关的行李处理区域. 帮助 为确保您的财产安全,请锁好您的门栓和门窗 when you are not in the room.

Special Needs - 住房

Special housing accommodations are available. 的 Special Populations Coordinator, Dan Wilson 719.846.5567,应联系,以确定需要和可用的 resources.

Cable TV Services

每间客房都配有有线电视连接,提供基本的服务频道选择. 如果你有一台有线电视,就不需要额外的费用或设备 basic services. 如果您的有线电视服务出现问题,请拨打1与Comcast联系.800.COMCAST (1.800.266.2278).


每个学生都有责任保持自己房间的清洁. 的 college provides a large 每个宿舍外的垃圾桶,供学生丢弃垃圾. 房间 trash must be taken to the outside dumpster. Selected cleaning supplies and equipment are provided for your use. 请与宿舍办公室联系使用清洁用品. 学生负责维修/更换清洁造成的损坏 equipment while the student borrows the items. Custodial services are provided for 所有浴室设施、走廊、地板休息室和其他公共区域. 常见的 courtesy and respect is expected in the public areas. We simply ask that if you made the mess then you clean it up. Receptacles provided in each bathroom are for toiletry trash only. 滥用卫生间设施可能导致每个学生被罚款 宿舍和25美元的清洁费将收取给每个人 地板上.


特立尼达警察局将紧急情况定义为火灾、生命和安全问题 should be called at 911. Also, the TSC security should be called at 719.845.6042 and 住房 at 719.846.5458 or 719.846.5497.

Heating Systems

房间里热水辐射板的热量有效循环 要求允许不受限制的空气从散热器面板底部流出 as well as the upper vent area. 房间 arrangements and additional furnishings must allow for this air circulation. Restriction of this air flow can result in frozen pipes and extensive water damages. NEVER close any valves or shut-off devices on the 控制地板其他区域热循环的管道.

Personal Property - Storage

TSC不为驻地物品提供储存设施. Please plan to only bring items that fit in your room. TSC recommends you only bring items that will fit in 你的汽车,大型笨重的物品,如家具,自行车,摩托车,摩托车,和 宿舍工作人员不允许携带大型电器. Gasoline, propane tanks 或火炬,其他易燃材料,轮胎也禁止存放 in your room.

Refrigerators/Microwave Ovens

学生可自备冰箱,但需符合以下要求: 单元规格最大不超过4个.6 cubic ft. Can not exceed 115 volt, 60 cycles AC 1000 watt. 的 appliance must be electrical and UL approved. Microwaves are required to be under 1000 watts.

住宿和学生生活主任或宿舍主任有最终批准权 or deny use of appliances. 学院保留检查冰箱的权利 for unsanitary conditions.